JRS HC Brochure
CLIENT West Rac Contracting Corp.
PROJECT Interior. Imaging Suites.
LOCATION Various in U.S.
AREA 3,000 Sq Ft
As part of a model to simply the installations for various Varian Medical Systems’ imaging suites, West Rac Contracting Corp. wanted to create a Design Build model to be used in various states throughout the country. JRS Architect, P. C. was engaged for preliminary design and for development of baseline construction drawings for new and renovated imaging suites. The drawings also included millwork. Part of the effort focused on developing a repeatable phased approach, acknowledging the need for healthcare facilities to remain functional during construction. The first project involved two imaging suites at Indianapolis’ VA Hospital. One suite was a Varian On Board Imaging Suite which provides Image Guided Radiation Therapy. This technology delivers improved tumor tracking using high resolution and low dose digital imaging in the treatment room.
The second suite is a Varian Truebeam Suite which uses digital imaging to address complex clinical cases such as those with lung, liver, head and neck and others. JRS sent its staff to Indianapolis to field survey the existing spaces in order to modify the baseline set of construction drawings. Given that the hospital is operated by a Federal Agency, the drawings also needed to be in compliant with Federal Construction Standards (e.g. finishes, lighting). As expected, the VA Hospital required a phasing plan so that the hospital could remain functional while the renovation was being completed. In this scenario, a temporary partition and door were required to isolate the construction area from the active hospital functions and patient care. Given the success of this Design Build model, West Rac is anticipated to continue using this approach as they partner with Varian Medical Systems and JRS Architect, P.C. throughout the U.S.
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