Historic Branch Offices Restoration, Bank of America Jones Lang LaSalle; CBRE, New Jersey On-call consulting, conservation and field supervision/management for exterior restoration for turn- of-the-century (1895-1928) branch offices, including all restoration material/procedure specification, training and interface with SHPO and local preservation regulatory agencies. Town of Babylon Village of Babylon, New York Investigative analysis and conditions assessment, restoration recommendations and phased cost analysis, development of budget estimates and Construction Documents (plans and specifications), and project management for phased exterior restoration program of historic Old Town Hall, including conservation of projecting cast stone cornice, slate roof and ornate cupola.
Arbutus Log Cabin Restoration Town of Huntington, New York
Conservation analysis, development of multi-faceted restoration program and project budget for phased implementation. c. 1835 Hiram K. Bedell House Old Bethpage Village Restoration, Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation & Museums, New York Survey, documentation, recording and recommendations for preservation and salvage of decorative components for stabilization and potential reinstallation procedures. Coe Hall/Planting Fields Foundation Oyster Bay, New York On-call preservation and conservation consulting and management regarding coordination and treatment of historic building components on site, planning and establishment of long-term preservation guidelines, and management of capital projects for mansion, outbuildings and grounds. Moab Sandstone Monument Moab, Utah Design of back-fill stabilization, drainage testing program and development of conservation implementation procedures regarding preservation and long-term repair methods for pre-historic National Monument site.
Salon Dore’, Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C.
Implementation of investigative historic research and analysis of ornate gold leaf and decorative faux paint work within c. 1714 museum period room, including recommendations for reinstallation and care.
Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey
Responsible for supervision and execution of a variety of conservation testing and recommendations development programs at various campus structures.
Grand Central Terminal New York, New York
Responsible for directing conservation program for interior masonry materials, including restoration procedures for cleaning of all interior faux stone surfaces with custom formulated 'dry' cleaning methods.
Long Island City Courthouse Long Island City, New York
Responsible for investigation development of restoration program for historic State Supreme Courthouse building, including restoration of faux interior surfaces, exterior masonry cleaning procedures, and interface with engineer.
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut
Responsible for execution of a variety of conservation testing and recommendations development programs at selected masonry campus structures for on-going restoration at site.
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